How it works

Your booking – made from a PC, Mac or smartphone – is uploaded to a micro-computer in the vehicle. Your e-cocars smartcard, or the MOQO app, gives you access to the car. It is not possible to open the car or start the engine without first making a booking.

Once you are in, locate the key (or the Power button in the Hybrid) and you’re off!  Simply return the car to its spot before the end of your booking.  If no one has booked the car after you, and you need more time, please feel free to extend the booking.

e-cocars was the first car club in the UK to licence this telematic booking software.  The microcomputer incorporates a SIM card to upload and receive data and uses software supported by Convadis in Switzerland.  This technology is widely used by commercial operators in larger cities in the UK and across Europe.